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Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 9 pm
Friday: 9 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 1 – 5 pm

Saturday, January 4, 2025  |  9 am – 5 pm

Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 9 pm
Friday: 9 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 1 – 5 pm

Borrowed Items

The loan period for most items is three weeks. The loan period for Hot Pick DVDs is seven days.

Eligible materials may be renewed up to five times. An item will not renew if it

  • is on hold for another borrower
  • is part of a non-renewable collection, such as Hot Pick books and Hot Pick DVDs
  • has already been renewed the maximum number of times
  • is borrowed on an account that has reached its fines threshold
  • was retrieved from a library outside of the SWAN library system, such as through WorldCat

Glen Ellyn Public Library does not charge late fees for overdue items, but you are subject to the borrowing rules of the library where you check your items out. Therefore, if you check items out at a library that still charges late fees and your item becomes overdue, you will be charged late fees.

To pay fees online, access your library account and click the Fines tab.

An item is considered lost when a cardholder reports an item lost or when an item reaches 42 days overdue. The cost of lost items will be billed to the cardholder’s account. The library does not accept replacements for lost items.

Finding a Lost Item

If an item was lost and paid for but is returned within three months of the due date, the cost of the item will be refunded. After three months, all charges are non-refundable, and the item is non-returnable.

If an item is returned in poor condition (wet and/or moldy, cover or pages are defaced, or a piece is missing), the most recent borrower will be contacted. The borrower may be charged the cost of the item or may be charged a fee to replace the missing part. Replacement costs are determined by the average replacement cost and are non-refundable. The library does not accept replacements for damaged items.

Cardholders’ borrowing privileges will be suspended when they reach the following thresholds.

Glen Ellyn Public Library Cardholders

  • $25 in unpaid fees
  • $100 or more in outstanding fees. In this case, the bill will be referred to Unique Management Services and the cardholder will be charged an additional $10. 

Cardholders from libraries outside of the SWAN consortium

  • Fifty items checked out
  • Eight holds
  • Five or more items overdue
  • $10 in unpaid fees for reciprocal Chicago Public Library cardholders
  • $5 in unpaid fees for all other non-SWAN reciprocal library cardholders
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